I’ve been producing these one page, one year Excel planners for many years now and they have always come in handy for me. Here are the 2022 and 2023 year planners. This time I’ve widened the rows so that the calendar will print better onto either A4 or Letter size paper.

The whole year is visible on a single page with the months along the side and the days along the top. I’ve coloured the weekends to make them easier to navigate.
At the start of the year I’ll print one out and then start planning my year by drawing on it using different coloured pens/pencils. I colour in public holidays, and then make a note of school holidays and other significant events.
I all find this type of calendar to be very useful when planning how to make use of work paid time off (PTO).
These calendars are the ideal size for sticking on the fridge!
I’ve made some improvements this year so the calendar works better when printed:
- lightened the weekend colour (gray 1) so it is easier to write over
- lightened the start/end dark colour (grey 6) so it is easier to write over
- increased the row height so that the calendar fills more of the A4 page
- set the print area to make it easier to print off

Here are the links to download the free planners. If you don’t have Microsoft Excel you can view, edit and print these calendars using the free Libre Office.
I hope you find these yearly calendars useful. If you have any feedback or improvement suggestions then please leave me a comment.
This is the best, most flexible and adaptable calendar template for Excel that I have found up till now. I hope that a 2024 version will also become available soon.
Waiting for 2024 version too