Here is my free Excel staff holiday planner for 2021. There are lots of paid ways of tracking staff holiday, but if you are a small business or organisation then perhaps you want something simple and free.
This free spreadsheet allows you to customise the people listed and then record holiday, training, and other absences easily. There is a built in formula to track how many holidays each member of staff has left. The easiest way to use the spreadsheet is to copy/paste the categories in from the category box on the top left. If you paste in a ‘Holiday’ then the remaining days goes down by 1, and if you paste in a ‘Half’ then the remaining days goes down by 0.5.
The category box and the employee names on the left are in a frozen pane, so they are always on screen.
Week numbers are included, based on the standard ISO 8601 method of recording the weeks.
Download 2021 staff holiday planner spreadsheet – 13kb
You can load this 2021 calendar into either Microsoft Excel or the free Libre Office. Note that if you are using Microsoft Excel you’ll need to use at least Excel 2007, as older versions like Excel 97 don’t support enough columns to fit in the full 365 days of the year.
The staff holiday planner is easily customisable. You can for example add in public holidays, change the categories, and alter the staff members. Just make sure to double check the ‘remaining days’ formula if you make any changes to the number of columns, you’ll need to make sure it counts the full year to get the correct calculation.